Goal 3. - Preserve and enhance viewsheds and visibility corridors.  

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    State and Trinity Streets are identified as visibility corridors between the Courthouse and the Heritage Museum and should be protected as such by:

    •  Establishing protective measures within the zoning ordinance that require new buildings to relate to the positive and architectural qualities that currently exist.

    •  Place all overhead utility lines underground.

    •  Establishing protective measures within the zoning ordinance that maintain setbacks and regulate building height so that the view of the courthouse from the museum, and visa versa, are preserved.


    Main and Walnut Streets are identified as visibility corridors between the Courthouse and the Waggoner Mansion and should be protected as such by:

    •  Establishing protective measures within the zoning ordinance that require new buildings to relate to the context and enhance the positive qualities that currently exist.

    •  Place all overhead utility lines underground.

    •  Establishing protective measures within the zoning ordinance that maintain setbacks and regulate building height so that the view of the courthouse from the mansion, and visa versa, are preserved.



    Document those points in and around the city from which the courthouse can be seen and develop protective measures for the preservation of those views.